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EP2C5Q208C8N - Intel - Pricing and Availability


  The EP2C5Q208C8N is a versatile and high-performance FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) device manufactured by Intel Corporation, formerly known as Altera Corporation. As a member of the Cyclone II family, this FPGA offers a combination of advanced features, flexible configuration options, and robust performance, making it suitable for a wide range of applications in industries such as telecommunications, automotive, industrial automation, and consumer electronics.


  At the heart of the EP2C5Q208C8N lies a programmable fabric consisting of configurable logic blocks (CLBs), embedded memory blocks, digital signal processing (DSP) blocks, and I/O (Input/Output) resources. This programmable fabric allows designers to implement custom logic functions, algorithms, and interfaces tailored to the specific requirements of their applications.

  One of the key features of the EP2C5Q208C8N is its high logic density and abundant resources, including up to 5,184 logic elements (LEs) and 276 Kbits of embedded memory. This provides ample room for complex designs and enables the implementation of multiple functionalities within a single device, reducing system complexity and cost.

  Moreover, the EP2C5Q208C8N offers a wide range of I/O options, including LVCMOS, LVTTL, and SSTL standards, as well as differential signaling standards such as LVDS and LVPECL. This versatility in I/O standards enables seamless interfacing with various external components, sensors, and communication interfaces, enhancing system connectivity and compatibility.

  Furthermore, the EP2C5Q208C8N features advanced power management capabilities, including dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, as well as power gating techniques, to optimize power consumption and enhance energy efficiency. This is particularly important for battery-operated and power-sensitive applications where minimizing power consumption is critical.

  Additionally, the EP2C5Q208C8N is supported by Intel's Quartus Prime design software suite, providing designers with a comprehensive set of tools for FPGA design, synthesis, simulation, and verification. This enables rapid prototyping, iteration, and optimization of FPGA designs, streamlining the development process and reducing time-to-market.

  In summary, the EP2C5Q208C8N represents a powerful and flexible FPGA solution, offering high performance, rich feature set, and efficient resource utilization for a diverse range of applications. Whether used in telecommunications infrastructure, automotive control systems, industrial automation equipment, or consumer electronics devices, this FPGA provides designers with the tools they need to implement innovative and reliable solutions.

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